Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Getaway

With endless cold weather and snow in store, let's take a little mental vacation to somewhere far off and warm, shall we...

Barry Dixon and Charles Faudree both capture the feeling of a tropical oasis in these island homes - sophisticated yet comfortable interiors, spacious rooms with white washed walls and plenty of natural light, accented in beachy blues and palm can almost feel the breeze and hear the crashing waves.

St. Barts: Barry Dixon

Jamaica: Charles Faudree

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shelf Life

Topping the stack of books on her coffee table, Becky LaRoche refers to Perfect English Cottage and Perfect English, both by Ros Byam Shaw as a "bible" of sorts. It's no surprise that these may be some her favorites, as she is our in house expert on English lifestyle.

The unique set of cottages featured in each book reveal the cozy appeal of cottage living and serves as both a resource and inspiration to those who desire the same look. The charming interiors and detailed photographs will captivate you -- books certainly worth adding to your collection!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Critters & Creatures

One of the many reasons we love our Lucy Rose Design Collection is for all the charming and unique prints. Part of her collection is Celia Birtwell and she in particular captures all the whimsy of critters and creatures that are scattered about several different patterns...

Angel Dear, a blog for baby design and creativity, recently did a post on all the fun possiblities with Celia Birtwell wall paper for a nursery. Not only would it be perfect there, but also for a guest bathroom, sunroom, kitchen...and the list goes on!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

It's 2010 and we are expanding our horizons to the blogging world!

J.Lambeth & Company looks forward to bringing you weekly inspiration, local projects, stories and an inside peak to showroom life.

What's on our radar screen?

Just around the corner is 2010 Capital Design Week and we have lots of exciting things in looking for our event details in future postings.

The 2010 DC Design House will kick off in April and we are anxious to get a behind the scenes look at who is featured and how they plan to transform their space.

Be Inspired!

We are constantly looking for ways to refuel our creativity and whether it's another blog, feature from a publication, project a designer shows us or a coffee table book we can't put down, we are always looking to be inspired. We'll share these thoughts with you along the way!

Take a moment to be inspired by this blog - My Notting Hill

That's all for now...hope you'll blog with us next week!